Bringing Phius to the Southeast

Phius projects of all shapes and sizes are going up across the country, and the goal of the Phius Alliance Southeast Region is to bring more of these projects to our area. We know this region is littered with talented passive house professionals, and our objective is to bring them together.

What is Passive Building?

Passive building puts passive house principles into practice to create safe, resilient, comfortable and – most importantly – energy efficient structures, from commercial to residential to multifamily. Phius sets the standard for passive house in North America and has certified 3,000+ professionals. Join our fast-growing community!

Principles of Passive Building

Passive building comprises a set of design principles used to attain a quantifiable and rigorous level of energy efficiency within a specific quantifiable comfort level.

What is PHIUS?

PHIUS (Passive House Institute US, Inc.) is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization committed to making high-performance passive building the mainstream market standard.

Find a Consultant
or Builder


First launched in 2008, PHIUS established the CPHC® professional credential to distinguish accomplished passive house professionals in the… see more

Find a PHIUS Certified Builder

PHIUS Certified Builders are construction professionals trained to meet the challenges of building to the PHIUS+ passive building standard…see more

Find a PHIUS+ Rater

PHIUS+ Raters are RESNET raters in good standing who have successfully completed PHIUS passive house rater training…see more


PHIUS+ Verifiers perform third-party Quality Assurance and onsite verification for multifamily and commercial passive building projects pursuing PHIUS+…see more

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